It Was Impossible to Propose a Law Against Child Marriege if I Wasn’t in Leadership

WGEF supported me, and many other women contesting for office and won as the women councilor three.

Having Enough Food Makes My Family Safe

WGEF’s agro support program is critical in our region I have tested the benefits, it can save many families in the region ~ Linda, WGEF member

543 New Farmers Preventing Hunger and Food Insecurity

Local food economies are the answer to providing healthy and affordable food in the face of food insecurity and global food shortages. 

Stories From Gulu, Summer 2022

HPI Helps Keep All Girls in School and Safe!

Food Forecast: Increasing Food Security Across the Region

As we move into 2022 and beyond, food scarcity, shortages, and cost, caused by war, conflict and climate chaos, are creating concern—and the forecast is dire.

Video: Their Future as Career Women Is Our Hope

Aber, 34, is a senior woman teacher at Olwiyo primary school in Nwoya District. Her major role is to mentor and support young girls. Here is her story of courage: I will not forget this year 2020 in my life, the effects of the pandemic have robbed the future of many young girls. 8 girls […]

The Only Way Forward Is Together!

As the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hits Uganda and impacts everyday life, we thank you for your continued support and commitment to WGEF.

21 Women Successfully Elected to Offices Across the Region!

Why We Run, February, 2021: “I Knew That Something Needed to Be Done but How to Do It?”

WGEF Reports 21 Women Win Elected Office Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic!

Women will continue to play a major role in local and regional government, ensuring women’s voices are included!

Uganda Decides 2021 – Supporting Women’s Participation in Leadership

As the general elections take place on 14th January 2021, 25 women from WGEF’s Leadership Development Initiative are running for office!