Women’s Global Empowerment Fund is a 501c3 non profit organization founded in 2007. Women’s Global provides women in northern Uganda access to microcredit loans, business and leadership development training, literacy, health initiatives.
Women’s Global Empowerment Fund was founded on the belief that microfinance can be a revolutionary concept, and when bundled with educational programming, can build social capital and increase the potential for women’s empowerment and success. It is this belief that inspired our founder, Karen Sugar, to create the organization, and it the driving force behind our Credit Plus program.
Investing in women and families by creating a social network, provides not only economic opportunities, but educational opportunities as well. This can help women to build livelihoods and a brighter future for the entire family. The unique potential of microfinance lies in its ability to create a platform for identifying and addressing the challenges facing underserved families.
Women’s Global Empowerment Fund is dedicated to the women clients in our program who are working every day to create a better future for themselves and their children. They are in the Gulu market selling goods, produce, raising chickens, agriculture, rebuilding their communities; attending their repayment meetings, taking care of their children, hauling water, cooking, cleaning, and fighting: fighting to be heard, respected, dignity, security and for the right to dream.