From the Field : Jennifer’s Story














Jennifer Tabu is 38 years old and lives in the town of Gulu in Northern Uganda. She is married and has three children with two of them currently in school. For the past 4 years, Jennifer has been working hard to manage her small restaurant, which sells local, serving breakfast, lunch and supper every day.
To help expand her business, Jennifer requested a loan of 500,000 Ugandan Shillings to buy stock for her restaurant. Jennifer’s hopes were that in the future she will be able to stock up her restaurant and save enough to pay tuition for children.
Client Quote:

“Before I received the Loan I was working alone in my restaurant, currently I employ 2 helpers in the restaurant because we have many customers and sometimes we do outside catering for small community meetings, I have been able to repay my loan in time, I have already applied for the second cycle. What is very important to me I have been able to save 40,000 shillings, and I need to add more saving. My target is to take up 4 loans recycles then I will start using my savings as capital.

I thank you for giving me the opportunity that has helped my business to grow

God Bless you,

Jennifer- Gulu”

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